Changing Ringtone#
Hearing the same ringtone every time some calls can get boring over time. Smartphones now include many nice ringtones that you can switch to in just a couple of clicks.
First, go to the Settings menu by either clicking on the gear icon or scrolling down on your home screen and clicking on the top right hand corner.

After opening settings, scroll down until you find ‘Sound and Vibration’ and click on it.

Now click on the ‘Ringtone’ tab in the upper right hand corner. It will take you the page shown in the image to the right.

Now scrolling down on the page, you will see different categories of ringtones. Let’s explore some happy tunes! After clicking on ‘Happy’, you will see a wide selection of ringtones. Clicking on any one of the ringtone names will play that tune. To stp playing the tune at any point, you can just click on the ringtone name again.

After hearing some ringtones, we realized the ‘Happy Bujiwuji Concert’ is a pretty good ringtone. To change your current ringtone to this one, click on the bell icon that’s to the right of the ringtone name. Now, you will see a popup asking whether you want to select the ringtone. Click ‘OK’. The system will start downloading the ringtone and it will take a couple of seconds.

After the downloading has finished, you will see an ‘Applied Successfully’ message when the ringtone has been changed. Congrats! You have succesfully changed the ringtone on your phone.

Aside from downloading ringtones, your phone also has a set of default ringtones that you don’t need to download. To choose between those, go back to the front page of ringtones and click on ‘My account’ in the bottom right hand corner.
Now click on ‘Ringtones’ and then you will a wide selection of ringtones that your phone already has built in.

Now again, you can click on any of the ringtone names to play it. When you like a ringtone, you can click on the small ‘Apply’ button to the right of that ringtone. It will ask whether you want to select that ringtone. Click ‘OK’ and soon you will see an ‘Applied Successfully’ message.
