Welcome to Smartphone Tutorials#
This is a small project aimed to create detailed smartphone tutorials so that anyone follow along easily.
From our personal experience, many people still use smartphones for very basic purposes, like calling, texting, listening to music, and little bit of surfing the internet. But smartphones these days can do so much more. We think knowing some of these features can make an improvement in the quality of life of so many people. However, the problem with most smartphone guides is they are very text-heavy and not easy to follow along. For instance, below is a snippet Samsung S22’s user guide. For that reason, we are building this site to create detailed step-by-step tutorials along with screenshots/gifs that anyone can follow.

You can let us know your thoughts on the website through the feedback survey at the end of each tutorial or by the comment secion. To comment, click on the small < sign in the right-hand corner.